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Granting of the Master’s Degree

Granting of the Master’s Degree

According to the Bylaws of the PPGAdm, the student who meets the following requirements will be considered approved in the Master’s Course, with the consequent right to the degree of Master in Administration:

I – obtain a minimum number of thirty (30) credits, including twenty-four (24) credits in subjects and six (6) credits related to the dissertation;

II – obtain an overall average in the subjects of no less than seven (7.0);

III – present and successfully defend his/her dissertation, under the conditions established in the Bylaws of the PPGAdm;

IV – present a document proving the submission of one (1) scientific article before its defense committee, according to the resolution

IMPORTANT: for those who joined up until 2017, according to the PPGA Internal Regulations of 2010, Chapter V – Art. 82, IV: “present a document proving the submission of a scientific article in a journal classified in Qualis”.

V – have participated in at least five (5) qualifying exams and/or dissertation or thesis defenses, with at least 60% of the UFSC PPGAdm.

Students who meet the requirements of the PPGAdm Bylaws and Normative Resolution No. 95/Cun/2017 within the established deadlines will be entitled to the Master’s degree.

Once all the formalities necessary for the completion of the course have been completed, the Coordination will forward the request for the issuance of the diploma, according to the guidelines established by the Pro-Rectory of Graduate Studies.

Issuance of Diploma

After defending the dissertation, and making any necessary changes (if any) according to the result of the defense (approval without changes – 30 days; approval with improvements – 60 days; approval with substantial changes – 90 days), the student must submit the TCC digitally within the period defined in the minutes (30, 60 or 90 days). Students who do not meet this deadline will be considered to have failed and, consequently, will be dropped from the course.

After receiving an email from the BU approving the deposit (within 15 business days after submitting the work), the student must submit the following documents to the PPGA Secretariat to complete the request for the issuance of the Master’s degree in Administration:

  1. A certified copy of the civil identity card (RG) OR the national driver’s license (CNH), if the PPGAdm office does not have it (ask the office to confirm whether they have the physical documents).
    1. Foreign students: in the case of foreigners, the permanent foreign identity card must be presented, if thePPGAdm office does not have it (ask the office to confirm whether they have the physical documents). If the student does not have it, they must present (a) the temporary foreign identity card, with unexpired validity and (b) the identity card from the country of origin. The temporary foreign identity card may be replaced by a copy of the temporary visa – item IV, contained in the passport, which proves regular status in the country during the course;
  2. certified copy of the marriage certificate (or birth certificate, in the case of single students), if the PPGAdm office does not have it (ask the office to confirm whether they have the physical documents). There should be no discrepancy between the name on the identity document and the marriage certificate. In the case of divorce and return to using the maiden name, the aforementioned endorsement must be presented;
  3. certified copy of the undergraduate degree, if the PPGAdm office does not have it (ask the office to confirm whether they have the physical documents). The degree must contain information about the act of recognition of the course and the date of publication of the same in the Official Gazette. In the case of a degree issued by a foreign institution, it must be endorsed by the Brazilian Consulate in the issuing country and the student must attach proof, issued by the university of origin, stating that the course had a minimum duration of 2,700 hours;
  4. send by e-mail: a) copy of the digital version of the dissertation submitted to the BU; b) copy of the electronic version of the update of the student registration, in Word format (Update_Register_Student_PPGAdm); c) copy of the electronic version of the Capes report, in Word format (CAPES Report) if there has been a change in the data provided in the Capes Report submitted with the committee request form (e.g.: change in the title or abstract of the work, new publications with the student as author or co-author, etc.);
  5. BU debt clearance certificate. Issue the certificate online through the link https://portal.bu.ufsc.br/certidao-negativa-de-debito-online/, save it in PDF format and send it by email with the documents from item 4.
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