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Teaching internship

The Teaching Internship is a curricular activity — in the form of a discipline — offered by stricto sensu postgraduate programs aimed at preparing students for teaching activities in higher education. At UFSC, REGULATORY RESOLUTION No. 3/CPG/2021, of November 8, 2021, establishes the Teaching Internship in stricto sensu graduate programs at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

Students in the Master’s course may total up to four (4) credits and students in the Doctorate course may total up to eight (8) credits in this discipline, through successive enrollments.

For enrollment purposes, teaching internships differ only in the number of credits, so there are no prerequisites for one or the other. Students may choose any of the types of teaching internships to take (I, II, or III).

The Teaching Internship is a mandatory requirement for CAPES-DS scholarship holders. In this case, it is necessary to carefully read CAPES Ordinance No. 76 of April 14, 2010.

Procedures for the application:

The applicant must send four (4) documents to the PPGAdm Office:

1 – Application for enrollment in the Teaching Internship.

2 – Detailed work plan (prepared together with the faculty responsible for the subject and with the approval of the advisor), which in addition to the workload to be developed by the student, must also contain the workload of the subject to be taught in the undergraduate program.

How to fill in the workload of the Work Plan:

Teaching internship I  (1 credit)

The work plan must be prepared with a total of 15 hours and include the following activities:

a) Within the 15 hours of activities, the work plan must include teaching (giving classes) of 3 to 5 hours of theoretical, theoretical-practical or practical classes.

b) The remaining workload of the work plan must be completed with class preparation and assistance with assessment activities.

Remember, the Teaching Internship I must be carried out in an undergraduate course discipline of at least 2 credits;

Teaching internship II  (2 credits )

The work plan must be prepared with a total of 30 hours and include the following activities:

a) Within the 30 hours of activities, the work plan must include teaching (giving classes) of 8 to 10 hours of theoretical, theoretical-practical or practical classes.

b) The remaining workload of the work plan must be completed with class preparation and assistance with assessment activities.

Remember, the Teaching Internship II must be carried out in an undergraduate course discipline of at least 3 credits;

Teaching internship III  (3 credits )

The work plan must be prepared with a total of 45 hours and include the following activities:

a) Within the 45 hours of activities, the work plan must include teaching (giving classes) of 12 to 15 hours of theoretical, theoretical-practical or practical classes.

b) The remaining workload of the work plan must be completed with class preparation and assistance with assessment activities.

Remember, the Teaching Internship III must be carried out in an undergraduate course discipline of at least 4 credits.

3 – Teaching plan for the undergraduate course in which the student will complete the teaching internship.

4 – Declaration signed by the student.

ATTENTION: The application for enrollment will only be filed when it comes with these four (4) documents CORRECTLY COMPLETED AND SIGNED.

After filing, it will be assessed by the PPGAdm Full Board. After approval, the PPGAdm Office will enroll the student in the course.

To enter Grades:

Upon completion of the Teaching Internship, the student must send to the PPGAdm Office the report of the activities carried out during the classes, signed by the professor responsible for the teaching internship and the respective grade.

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